2024 Electra Business & Innovation Award Winners!
Winner: Peter Jackson Plumbing Ltd
Sponsor: Electra
Judges Comments: The Judges regard Peter Jackson Plumbing as having attained iconic status in business in our region. It has built a strong 24/7/365 days a year plumbing and drainage system for an expanding population area. The business utilises state-of-the-art expertise in all aspects of its operation. Staff development and customer communication and satisfaction are top priorities. The company has successfully entered these awards several times, demonstrating a real commitment to continuous improvement and enthusiasm for being an excellent, innovative and sustainable business.
Construction and Trades Award
Winner: Peter Jackson Plumbing Ltd
Sponsor: Steel-it Framing Ltd
Judges Comments: The Judges commend Peter Jackson Plumbing’s innovative “One stop shop” approach - it produces a definite competitive advantage. The company’s commitment to developing the potential of its staff and meeting customer needs has ensured Peter Jackson is a viable, sustainable and thriving local business.
Manufacturing, Production and Processing
Winner: South African Pantry
Sponsor: Gallagher
Judges Comments: The Judges commend South African Pantry as an amazing specialty store, committed to staying competitive and innovative. It has an opportunity to improve its profitability after an upcoming trip to South Africa to provide new ideas for Christmas 2024.
Hospitality, Entertainment and Tourism
Winner: Ngā Manu Nature Reserve
Sponsor: Zebunisso Alimova - Mike Pero Mortgages
Judges Comments: The Judges note that Nga Manu has conducted a thorough review and refresh of its strategy, and is tackling current economic challenges by offering a rich number of innovative packages to attract visitors. The upcoming holiday period is a good time to promote its new ‘Lil’ Explorers interactive and immersive experience, its family friendly Overnight Wildlife Experience and its Kiwi Night Experience of a 90-minute tour at dusk to see our precious national bird up close.
Professional and Business Services, or Technology
Winner: Landlink
Sponsor: Graphic Press & Packaging
Judges Comments: The Judges regard Landlink as setting a standard for its industry, using AI and other digital tools that can both build its business and a stronger property-development sector. Landlink is building its team’s capacity to develop changes to the standard consulting business model, outsourcing and extending its expertise and increasing ‘end to end’ process management.
Not for Profit, Community and Public Services
Winner: Foxton Windmill Trust
Sponsor: L.T. McGuinness
Judges Comments: The Judges believe that Foxton Windmill Trust’s innovative offerings truly deserve its large customer and visitor base. It is a “Town icon”, a national identity and an International Identity through a strong relationship with The Netherlands. The Judges commend its application for UNESCO status under the “Craft of The Miller”.
Winner: Harrisons Kapiti Horowhenua - Flooring
Sponsor: New World Levin
Judges Comments: The Judges found that Harrisons Kapiti Horowhenua’s new owner is focused on maximising processes and systems to ensure the customer has a seamless and stress-free successful flooring install, and through this has increased customer traffic, revenue and profitability.
Consumer Services
Winner: Caci Clinic Levin
Sponsor: Kapinua
Judges Comments: The Judges said that Caci’s innovative and personal approach to customer service providing for services to be paid off over time is timely given current pressures on households’ available income for spending on luxury personal services. It is also an effective approach for maintaining customers long term while at the same time addressing the immediate challenges of constraints on customers’ ability to lump sum pay. This will help support Caci’s long-term business excellence and viability.
Small Business Award
Winner: Levin TOP 10 Holiday Park
Sponsor: NZME
Judges Comments: The Judges note that a strength of Levin Top 10’s innovative service offerings is that they are reflected in strong revenue growth. Five new cabins accommodating an additional 30 people resulted in an increase of turnover and improved guest satisfaction, lifting ratings. For the year ended 2024, Levin Top 10 is tracking 13% ahead of where it was last year, despite the difficult trading conditions throughout Aotearoa.
New/Emerging Award
Winner: Kaewa Tours
Sponsor: Kāpiti Coast Chamber of Commerce
Judges Comments: The Judges commend Kaewa Tours ’ unique selling proposition to offer “a very deep personalised customer experience”, providing private tours that are “a unique, boutique and immersive experience.” The addition of tailored video and photography journals appeals to the higher end of the market.
Innovation Award
Winner: Issac King Consultant Limited
Sponsor: J.B’s Environmental Ltd
Judges Comments: Isaac King’s comprehensive workplace stress management programme has features designed to be effective for the individual which also provide benefits to their employers. This lifts the business a cut above the average personal training service. The Judges found that these innovative services have the potential for Isaac King to have an ongoing viable business.
Sustainability Award
Winner: Ngā Manu Nature Reserve
Sponsor: ANZ Bank New Zealand
Judges Comments: Nga Manu finalised its Nature Reserve Sustainability Strategy in 2023. The Judges observe that it has set 4 strategic goals:
becoming a carbon-neutral organisation within 5 years;
becoming a waste-free eco-tourism operation within 5 years;
reducing negative environmental impacts from its daily operation;
and restoring nature by protecting our environment (including water, biodiversity, landscape and clean air).
Special Innovation Award
Winner: Stripped Electrical Ltd
Sponsor: Judge’s Award
Judges Comments: The Judges observe that Stripped Electricals’ innovation is so rational, it’s hard to believe that it’s not common practice – it is common sense, yet radical. Based on this, the Main Judges recommended the Stripped Electricals receive a Special Award for Innovation this year. Stripped Electrical takes the initiative to lead and manage projects to ensure seamless integration and coordination of all trades involved. As a result, finer details are addressed early in the planning stages, resulting in more functional and well-thought-out spaces.
Customer Experience -Horowhenua
Customer Experience - Kāpiti
Winner: PartyPerfect Catering
Sponsor: Mills Albert Limited