Upcoming events.

2025 Launch Event
The Launch event of the season!
The beautiful Māoriland Hub is hosting the official launch event of the 2025 Electra Business & Innovation Awards.
The evening will launch entries open for both the Customer Experience Awards (formerly TopShop) and the Main Awards.
The event promises to deliver...
Relaxed networking with businesses from across the Horowhenua and Kāpiti regions.
Inspiration from our keynote speaker.
Opportunities! A chance to win a great spot prizes from regional businesses.
Sumptuous drinks and nibbles.
Art and culture with the fabulous exhibits of Maōriland Hub and a local musician.
This event is free to attend and open to all local businesses from the Horowhenua and Kāpiti regions.
Please register to attend as we do require numbers for catering purposes.
We look forward to hosting you soon!

Entrants Event - Kāpiti
You are warmly invited to attend our Mayoral hosted Entrants Event and meet the 2025 entrants for the Electra Business & Innovation Awards.
We will take some time to acknowledge all entrants for 2025 and hear some of their journey both with the awards programme and their businesses.
It's a great opportunity to connect with like-minded local businesses over some drinks and nibbles and celebrate the achievements of those that have been bold enough to submit an entry into this year's Awards.
There will be plenty of time to network, so bring your business cards - we look forward to seeing you there!

Entrants Event - Horowhenua
You are warmly invited to attend our Mayoral hosted Entrants Event and meet the 2025 entrants for the Electra Business & Innovation Awards.
We will take some time to acknowledge all entrants for 2025 and hear some of their journey both with the awards programme and their businesses.
It's a great opportunity to connect with like-minded local businesses over some drinks and nibbles and celebrate the achievements of those that have been bold enough to submit an entry into this year's Awards.
There will be plenty of time to network, so bring your business cards - we look forward to seeing you there!

Electra Business & Innovation Awards Night 2025
Join us for the business event of the year!

AGM 2025
The Electra Business Awards are organised each year by Business Kapiti Horowhenua Incorporated and all entrants and sponsors receive a complimentary membership to BKH Inc.
Our Annual General Meeting for 2025 will be held at 10:00 am on March 13th.
If you would like to attend, please RSVP to awards@bkh.org.nz
The agenda and full notice of meeting can be read here.
We hope to see you there!

2023 Awards Night
Join us at the Awards Night for 2023!
It’s an event not to be missed!
Tickets on sale from the 14th of August 2023.

Horowhenua Entrants Event 2023
You are warmly invited to attend our Mayoral Awards Entrants Event for 2023.

Kāpiti Entrants Event 2023
You are warmly invited to attend our Mayoral Awards Entrants Event for 2023.

Awards Launch - Innovate to Elevate
Innovate to elevate is the official launch event for the Electra Business & Innovation main awards and so much more!

Top Shop Launch - Horowhenua
Top Shop Launch - Horowhenua
Thursday 23rd March - 5:30 pm - 7:30pm
Levin Mall - Horowhenua
BKH AGM 2023 - Notice of Meeting.
Wednesday 15th March - 7:30 pm.
Coastlands Shopping Town - Kapiti Coast

Top Shop Launch - Kāpiti
Join us for the Kapiti Coast’s Top Shop launch event for 2023.
Wednesday 15th March - 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm.
Coastlands Shopping Town - Kapiti Coasts.

2022 Electra Business & Innovation Awards
Join us for the business event of the year!
Friday 30th September 2022 - 6pm till late
Horowhenua Events Centre, 33 Victoria Street, Levin, 5510.
Hosted by award winning comedian Nick Rado
Scrumptious 3-course dinner by Blue Carrot Catering
Late-night entertainment with dance floor finale by Play on Words & evening entertainment by Matiu Te Huki
Spot prizes
Winner announcements
Join us as we gather together to celebrate all that is local and applaud the success of our world-class local businesses.
Early birds on sale from the 1st July 2022. Get in quick as these will go fast!

Horowhenua Entrants Event
Join us for the official Horowhenua entrant’s event for 2022!
This year the Electra Business & Innovation Awards Horowhenua Entrants Event is part of Horowhenua Trust New Zealand’s Electra BA5.
When: 5.30pm, Thursday 18th August 2022
Where: Te Takereanga o Kura-hau-pō, 10 Bath Street, Levin

Kāpiti Entrants Event
Join us for the official Kāpiti entrant’s event for 2022!
This is a networking event for the 2022 Kāpiti entrants, the Awards Board, Sponsors and Key Partners to celebrate the achievements of those businesses that have submitted an entry into this year's Electra Business & Innovation Awards.
When: 6pm, Thursday 4th August 2022
Where: Kāpiti Coast District Council, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu
We will hear from Mayor Guru, Brendan Duffy (Chair of the Business Kapiti Horowhenua Inc' - who convene the Awards), as well as key Sponsor and Supporter - Neil Simmonds, Chief Executive, Electra.
We will also acknowledge the entrants for 2022 from the Kāpiti region.
There will be drinks and nibbles and plenty of time to network, we look forward to seeing you there!

Electra Business Awards Launch Event
The Kāpiti Coast Chamber of Commerce are very excited to be part of the Electra Business & Innovation Awards Launch Event for 2022.
Event Details:
Date: Wednesday 8th June 2022
Time: 5.30pm – 7.00pm
Venue: Sudbury, 101 Te Hapua Road, Te Horo
Members: Free
Non-Members: $20.00
Hosted by the beautiful country venue Sudbury in Te Horo the event will include the reveal of the revamped Awards and the new Industry Judges, as well as Head Judge Dame Suzanne Snively and Chair of Business Kāpiti Horowhenua Brendan Duffy ONZM. JP.
As is synonymous with Sudbury’s there will be fabulous canapes and drinks, and stunning surroundings.
This will be an opportunity to hear more about the Awards and the “why” behind why you should enter, including:
Getting your brand out there - promote your business to the Kāpiti and Horowhenua community, the awards provide you with a stage (quite literally) to present your offering.
Benchmarking your business with others in your industry – an opportunity to really review what you are doing and to take stock.
Access Award-winning judges - the Awards Judges are experts in their fields and ready to cast their eye over your business. This year will also see the introduction of industry expert judges to access your applications, as well as the established main judging team, so even more expertise!
Rubbing shoulders with the who's who of the region's business community - an opportunity to network with other like-minded local businesses and form valuable connections.
Free annual membership with the Kāpiti Coast Chamber of Commerce - all 2022 finalists will be eligible for a year’s free membership with the Chamber!
Marketing - all finalists will be a part of a massive media and marketing campaign, in partnership with NZME, getting you the recognition, you deserve!
With plenty of time to network and an offering that can help take your business to the next level this is an event not to be missed!
We look forward to launching the 2022 Electra Business & Innovation Awards with you all.

Electra Business After Five
Join us for our May Electra Business After 5 at Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō.
Event Details:
Date: Thursday 18th May, 2022
Time: 5.30pm – 7.00pm
Venue: Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō, 10 Bath Street, Levin 5510, New Zealand
This month's guest speaker is Sally Duxfield!
With over 30 years of experience in the experiential leadership and programme design world, Sally helps her clients, entrepreneurs, peak performers, elite sports teams and industry leaders to develop extraordinary culture, hunt down and achieve dreams, and articulate the extraordinary. Her preference is to use experiential pedagogy and the outdoors as the conduit for learning.
Sally designs and delivers leadership events that inspire and nurture exceptional leadership and increased peak performance. Sally is also the CE for the Makahika OPC and the Arete Leadership Retreat.
This event will be held in accordance with the COVID-19 Protection Framework.
We are, of course, conscious that things are changing rapidly at the moment. With that in mind, we’d appreciate it if you could register asap if you and your team would like to attend.
If we are unable to deliver an in-person event, we will proceed with an online event and this will be communicated with as much notice as possible.

Electra BA5
Electra BA5 - Thursday, 21st April 2022- 5:30pm - 7:00pm - Registration coming soon.

Electra Business & Innovation Awards AGM 2022
We would like to invite the Horowhenua and Kāpiti communities to join us at the 2022 Electra Business & Innovation Awards AGM, held via Zoom this year!
Due to the current traffic light system guidelines in New Zealand, the AGM will be held as a combination of in-person for Board members and online via Zoom for BKH members and the general public to ensure that everyone is kept safe.
When: 9:30am, Wednesday, 16 March 2022
Where: Zoom, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86450407737...
We look forward to coming together and beginning this year's Awards programme!

Electra Business Breakfast
Electra Business Breakfast – B2B networking – Sponsored by Electra
Nau mai haere mai Electra Business Breakfast is looking forward to welcoming customer experience specialist, Briar Franks of WellingtonNZ and the team from the Electra Business & Innovation Awards.
Briar is going to talk about how we can add magic to the customer experiences we create in our businesses so we can optimise the mundane and create something unforgettable. She encourages you to think about your Qs now as she will take as many as time will allow on the day.
The Top Shop Award is based on customer experience, that’s right your customers will decide the winner of this Award, not the Judges. Angela Buswell, Board Member of Business Kāpiti-Horowhenua Inc who run the Electra Business & Innovation Awards, will wrap with the terms and conditions of entering the Top Shop Award this year.

Electra Business & Innovation Awards Night, 2021
Join us for the 2021 Awards night digital extravaganza!
Due to the uncertainty of COVID we're taking the Electra Business & Innovation Awards digital with the help of sponsors Vidcom New Zealand!
Save the date! The online event will now be held on the 19th November, it is free to attend and open to all.
Keep an eye on our website or social channels for more information!

Horowhenua Business Hall of Fame Laureate - Electra Business After Five
With the Electra Business & Innovation Awards going online, we are inducting this year’s Horowhenua Business Hall of Fame Laureate at the upcoming Electra Business After Five.

Kāpiti Mayoral Entrants Event 2021
You are warmly invited to attend our Mayoral Entrants Event for 2021.
This is a networking event for the 2021 Kāpiti entrants, the Awards Board, Sponsors and Key Partners to celebrate the achievements of those businesses that have submitted an entry into this year's Electra Business & Innovation Awards.
We will hear from Mayor Guru, Brendan Duffy (Chair of the Business Kapiti Horowhenua Inc' - who convene the Awards), as well as key Sponsor and Supporter - Neil Simmonds, Chief Executive, Electra.
We will also acknowledge the entrants for 2021 from the Kāpiti region.
There will be drinks and nibbles and plenty of time to network, we look forward to seeing you there!

Horowhenua Entrants Event 2021
You are warmly invited to attend the Horowhenua Entrants Event for 2021.
This is a BA5 networking event hosted by Horowhenua New Zealand Trust that will also profile the 2021 Horowhenua entrants and allow them an opportunity to network with each other, the Awards Board, Sponsors, Key Partners and local businesses. It's an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of those businesses that have submitted an entry into this year's Electra Business & Innovation Awards from this region.
We will hear from Mayor Bernie Wanden, Brendan Duffy (Chair of the Business Kapiti Horowhenua Inc' - who convene the Awards), as well as key Sponsor and Supporter - Neil Simmonds, Chief Executive, Electra.
We will also acknowledge the entrants for 2021 from the Horowhenua region.
There will be drinks and nibbles and plenty of time to network, we look forward to seeing you there!
Horowhenua Business After 5
The Year of the Vaccines
Jeremy Couchman, Senior Economist - Kiwibank
Here at home, NZ looks to have started 2021 in a technical recession because of turbulence thrown up by the pandemic. NZ’s economic performance has been uneven, a closed border is hitting tourist and education providers hardest. Find out more by attending the Electra Business After 5 event!
Our Chairman Brendan Duffy will be attending and speaking about the upcoming awards season and the programme's changes!
Don’t forget that if you sign up for the Awards at one of the upcoming speaking events you'll go in the draw for one of two Air Chathams $300 flight vouchers!
We look forward to seeing you at the April Electra Business After Five.
Date: 22 April 2021, 5.30pm - 7.00pm
Location: Horowhenua Learning Centre Campus
102 Liverpool Street, Levin 5510
Tickets: $5.00pp - Door sales also available on the night.
Electra Business Breakfast
Electra Business Breakfast – B2B networking – Sponsored by Electra
Electra Business Breakfast will host Chris Whelan, Keynote Speaker from Wellington Centre of Business Excellence on how we future proof our businesses in what may be very uncertain times ahead.
See you there! Book early to avoid disappointment.
At the conclusion of Chris’s delivery, Brendan Duffy, Chair, Electra Business & Innovation Awards will launch their programme for 2021 and discuss changes to the Awards programme.
Electra Business Breakfast is an independent networking programme that seeks to INSPIRE, CONNECT and ENGAGE, everyone is welcome. Hand sanitiser and COVID tracing QR code in-place at registration – please do not attend if you are feeling unwell – we recommend social distancing and turning-on your bluetooth – seating up to 8 per table – limited to 100 – wearing a mask is fine.
Don’t forget that if you sign up for the Awards at one of the upcoming speaking events you'll go in the draw for one of two Air Chathams $300 flight vouchers!

BKH 2021 AGM
The Electra Business Awards are organised each year by Business Kapiti Horowhenua Incorporated and all entrants and sponsors receive a complimentary membership to BKH Inc.
Our Annual General Meeting will be held at 9.30am on Wednesday 17th March at the Otaki Memorial, Main St, Otaki
Minutes of previous meeting
Chair’s report
Adoption of Financial Statement
Constitution amendments
Election of Officers
Setting of annual subscription rate
Appointment of an Auditor for the 2020 accounts
General business
For a board nomination form please contact - awards@bkh.org.nz
Please RSVP to attend - register now!

Electra Business & Innovation Awards Night, 2020
Join us at the Awards Night 2020, an event not to be missed!
Friday 9th October 2020 - 6pm till late
Horowhenua Events Centre - Levin
Click through to read more and purchase your tickets.

Bus Tickets - Awards Night
Purchase your bus tickets for the Awards Night.
Return trip Kapiti to Horowhenua.